Our maternity service uses an electronic Maternity Notes system called ‘My Pregnancy Notes’.
Our midwives will create a Maternity Electronic Patient Record (EPR) for you from the moment you present for maternity care through pregnancy, birth or the postnatal period.
It only applies to the maternity service, which is from your first point of contact with one of our midwives through to when you are discharged from the care of your midwife to a health visitor.
There are a number of benefits to using ‘My Pregnancy Notes’ rather than patient notes, including:
- Make appointments easier to view
- Reduce paper-based notes
- Create tailored notes to each pregnancy
- Provide 24/7 access to pregnancy information
- Provide information specifically related to care pathways
- Utilise support from midwives by limiting time spent completing paper referrals
There are a number of useful resources for during pregnancy:
- Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) in Pregnancy
- Bottlefeeding support
- Breastfeeding support
- Breech baby and External Cephalic Version (ECV) for babies presenting by breech
- Choosing a caesarean
- Enhanced recovery (after Caesarean Section)
- Epilepsy in pregnancy
- Feeling your baby move
- Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
- Induction of labour (IOL): The care you should expect
- Infant feeding resources
- In-utero Transfer
- Lister Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership
- Low dose aspirin (150mg) in pregnancy
- Low PAPP-A
- Management of Hypothyroidism in pregnancy
- Multilingual maternity resources
- Needle phobia
- Preterm (premature) birth
- Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membrane (PPROM)
- Perinatal Mental Health Service
- Positive Anti-Ro and Pregnancy
- Shoulder dystocia
- Video: Screening tests for you and baby
There are a number of useful resources to support you ahead of labour and birth:
There are a number of useful resources to help you during the postnatal period: