Services available at: Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
Located at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, the Lynda Jackson Macmillan Centre (LJMC) offers a wide range of services to people affected by cancer. Our services support patients and those who care for them, helping them cope with all aspects of the disease from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. |
The LJMC is a place for anyone affected by cancer to talk, ask questions and get support and information on:
- Cancer, its treatments and side-effects
- Managing the impact of cancer
- Practical and emotional issues
The drop-in centre is open:
Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 4:30pm.
No appointment is necessary.
The telephone helpline is also staffed during these times (020 3826 2555).

Other services include:
- Complementary therapies to relieve stress, aid relaxation and reduce anxiety
- Relaxation classes including breathing exercises, visualisation and relaxation techniques
- Counselling – providing you with an opportunity to understand your experience and help you feel more in control and able to cope
- Guidance on welfare benefits
- Self-help courses for patients who have finished treatment
- Look Good Feel Better beauty workshops to boost confidence and wellbeing
- Headwear workshops for ladies experiencing hair loss
You can find more information about our services on our website: www.ljmc.org. Our website also contains useful links to other sources of help and information about cancer.
Our services are free to NHS patients under the care of a Mount Vernon Cancer Centre oncologist.